These types of vitamins are easily absorbed, act, circulate through body fluids, are not stored in the liver and are excreted in the urine.
Thiamine (B1)
It is the fundamental enzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates. These vitamins are found in shelled seeds, legumes, pork and yeast (to a lesser extent in milk and vegetables). Its intake should be 1.4 mg / day in men, 1 mg / day in women and 0.8 mg / 1000 kcal in children. It is absorbed in the small intestine and transported by albumin through the portal vein to the liver where it is distributed to the tissues. Its deficit produces weakness and heart failure to the nervous system and cardiovascular system.
Riboflavin (B2)
Participates in the redox reactions of energy metabolism in the krebs cycle. These vitamins are found in milk. yeast, eggs and liver, it is very sensitive to light. Its recommended intake is 1.3 mg / day in men, 0.6 mg / day in women, and 1.1 mg / day in children. It is absorbed in the small intestine up to a maximum of 25 mg and its transport is the same as that of Thiamine (B1). It is not stored and is excreted in the urine. Its deficit causes lesions in mucosa, skin and eye disorders.
Niacin (B3)
It is found in whole grains and fish. In these vitamins, 1% of the proteins is tryptophan, so that 100 mg of proteins already meet the daily intake. The intake in men should be 18 mg / day and in women 12 mg / day. Its deficit causes skin eruptions and its excess is toxic. It is absorbed in the small intestine and transported by blood and cells and stored in small amounts in the liver.
Acido_pantoteico_B5 “> Acido_pantoteico (B5)
It is widely distributed and is part of coenzyme A. Its recommended intake is 10-20 mg / day. In these vitamins the absorption is intestinal, it is transported through the blood and uptake of the tissues and is excreted through the urine.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, piridioxal y porodoxamina)
It is involved in reactions of protein metabolism, the synthesis of the heme group, in glycogen-phosphorylase and in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormonal regulation. These vitamins are found in whole grains, poultry, meats, fish, fruits, and nuts. Recommended intake is 1.4 mg / day in men, 1.2 mg / day in women, 2 mg / day in pregnant women and 0.3 mg in infants. Alcohol increases its levels. Its deficiency produces loss of oral epithelium and toxicity, long-term nerve alterations and paralysis.
Biotin (B7)
It acts as a coenzyme in carboxylation reactions. It is found in livers, kidneys, eggs, and yeast. It is synthesized by intestinal bacteria and is also absorbed in the intestine. Its recommended intake is 10-200 mg / day
Folic acid
It is found in green vegetables, liver, nuts, and whole grains. Recommended intake is 200 mg / day and during pregnancy 400 mg / day for prevention of spina bifada. Its deficit appears quickly due to the small liver store, this causes alteration in the production of erythrocytes and leukocytes. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, purines, AMP, GMP and thymidine in addition to being related to B12.
Cyanocobalmin (B12)
Synthesize DNA. For its absorption, intrinsic factor is important and can be stored in the liver. It is found in foods of animal origin (liver, meat and dairy). Recommended intake is 1.5 mg / day and its deficit produces anemia and neurological disorders. It is absorbed from the intestine, stored in the liver, and excreted in the bile.
Vitamin C
Found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, and green vegetables. Recommended intake is 40 mg / day. Its absorption is intestinal and its transport is carried out through leukocytes, it is excreted in the urine and its function is to transport hydrogen, reduce vitamin E and protect against mucous membranes and colds. Its deficit produces diseases in collagen and inflammation of enzymes. Its high intake can cause kidney stones and diarrhea.